Welcome to the Embracing Friends Weekly Blog Hop!
A few quick rules:
1. Follow me, the host and this week's feature (be sure to stop by and let her know that you're following from the Embracing Friends blog hop)!
2. Link up your main blog page, not a specific tutorial.
3. Click around, visit others and follow along. This is here to make new friends and connections.
4. If you want, post about it on your blog! You can grab the code here.
Today's Feature from last week's blog hop: Tempting Thyme.
How cute is that name?
My quick fave three about her blog before I turn it over to Shaunna:
1. First, what an STRONG, INSPIRING woman Shaunna is. Check out her blog if you don't believe me!
2. I love that she has a diverse range of topics on her blog! Recipes, crafts, personal posts. It's all great!
3. The way she writes her posts. I fee like I'm listening to her talk in person, or at least that's how it seems to me :)
And now on to Shaunna!

<div align="center"><a href="http://www.temptingthyme.com" title="Tempting Thyme"><img src="http://temptingthyme.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/clockface_roman02.jpg" alt="Tempting Thyme" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
I cannot believe Embracing Messy wants to feature little ole me! What a huge honor for this newbie blogger. Thank you Kelsey, I appreciate your warm welcome! My name is Shaunna, and I currently live in a small college town {Oxford, OH}…I wonder if Kelsey realizes we are a hop, skip and a jump from each other? Another secret, these past few years I have truly embraced my messy!!! We are kindred spirits, LOL. I am over at Tempting Thyme, a blog that is definitely in the infant stages, gearing up to be a toddler! Still learning the ropes, but having a blast meeting ‘like-minded’ people and yakking about it.
I am a 44 year old, with 2 fabulous (most of the time) teenage boys and a wonderful husband who puts up with all of the chaos that I create. Being a 3 ½ year cancer survivor, I started Tempting Thyme to document my appreciation for life and the truly amazing chance we have here on Earth. Everyday is a gift from God, that needs to be relished and realized for the blessing that it is. I also wanted a place to store all of my favorite recipes, decorating and house projects and what better place to house them all but a blog? Even though I work full-time, and am gone most weekends cheering my boys on in their hockey and baseball games, I do try to carve out some ‘me’ time. Some women consider pampering to involve mani/pedi’s, shopping or massages. My idea of pampering is trying to balance a paint brush in one hand, with a cookie sheet and drill in the other, deciding which to tackle first!
Thanks again to Kelsey, and Embracing Messy, for giving us the opportunity to get acquainted! I hope you get a chance to head on over to Tempting Thyme, my door is always open…..kick back, relax with a cup of java or vino and stay awhile………
I adore the name of your blog! Thanks for the cool link up.
Quirktastic Adventures
Thanks Kelsey for the kind words and the Feature! I am honored to be residing at Embracing Messy!