This past weekend we went camping. One of my favorite things--no really, I was giddy about it. My family has a farm that we go to and we rough it. I mean really rough it. Outhouses, tents, fire, and no showers.
What kind of camping (if any) do you enjoy? Is camping something on your ALIVE list?
I love your crafts!!! Great ideas!! We love camping too, but not roughing it! We camp Airstream style. We have traveled from Florida to South Dakota to Canada to Alaska back to Canada down to Washington State, Oregon, California, Nevada and are now in Salt Lake City, Utah, heading to Wyoming next. We have been gone from home for almost three months and will get home about a month from now! I'm ready!!! Keep up the great crafts. I have added you to my fav list of crafters!! I LUV crafting too. I have a blog, but I'm terrible about keeping up with it. I think people that are devoted to their blog are great!!!